Why does the text I added look different from the rest of the site?

Often our clients will ask us how we made text look a certain way or why when they paste text on their website it has a coloured or white box around it/appears in a different font. This is because you have copied all of the formatting that you took the text from with you to your website.

On V4 and V5.5 sites, the best way to copy text onto your website is by:

  1. first opening up notepad or any plain text editor.
  2. Paste the text into there first
  3. Then copy that and
  4. Paste it into your text box.

On V6 and V6.5 sites it's even easier; when you are in the editing mode look at your icons in the top left of the text box.

  1. Click on the icon 5 in from the left that looks like a clipboard with a piece of paper on it (there are 2, you want the one furthest to the right).
  2. A box will appear that says "paste plain text",  paste your copied text into this box
  3. Click insert. This will remove any formatting for you.