To add a new image, you need to find out the image size first. We do this by
- clicking the cog under any text box and clicking insert image.
- Now click on the folder titled “_HeadingImages”. Here you can see all heading images that have been uploaded already.
- Click on an image and look to the bottom left for its width and height in pixels, make a note of these numbers.
- Click cancel and then thumbs up to exit the editing box.
For this part you will need to use an image editing software which we have some examples (with instructions) of on this site. Crop and resize an image until its dimensions match the numbers you jotted down earlier.
Now to upload the new file we need to head back to the website.
- Click on the cog above the heading image
- To add a new image, press the “change file” button then find and open your new heading image.
- Press “save changes”. The photo you added wont display right away but it has been added to drop down.
- Click on the cog above the heading image again and select your new photo from the drop down.
- Now press "save changes" and your new image will display.
You can make an image stretch across the whole page or sit within the same area as the text by pressing the “constrain” icon (the outward or inward facing arrows) to the bottom left of it.