Pixlr doesn't need to be downloaded, it is free to use online, just click on this link: https://pixlr.com/e/
Getting Started
1) Go to weblink
2) Click on "open image" on the left hand side
3) Find the image you want to edit, click on it and click open.
3.5) If the image is large, it will ask you if you want to resize it before editing to save on memory and minimise lag. Depending on how big you want the image, you can select one of their pre-selected sizes or type the new width or height into the first box after the words "new size" (It will change the other box automatically to keep your photo at the same proportions. If you are cropping the photo, pick the width or height to change based on which is the bigger number). Then click "apply".
4) The image will be locked as a default. You should see a message at the top of the page which says "Layer is locked in position, unlock to enable transforms.". Click "unlock".
Resizing an image
5) At the top of the page, go to the word "page" and then press "resize page (scale)".
6) In the resize page box, you can input a number (in pixels) for the size you want your image. You only need to fill in one box, the other will adjust accordingly while keeping the image to the correct proportions. Unless you want to warp or stretch you image, leave the constrain proportions button as it is.
7) Click "apply"
Cropping an Image
5) To crop the image, select the tool from the bar on the left that looks like two arrows pointing to the bottom left and top right making a square. (this is the same cropping icon used in microsoft word and photoshop).
6) Click and drag from the white lines on the corners, top, bottom and sides of the image to get it to the shape you need. If you are trying to get the image a certain size, look at the width and height number in the top left as you crop it or write the pixel numbers into these boxes directly.
7) When the image is the right size, click on "Apply" in the bar above the photo. If it isn't quite what you wanted, you can always undo by pressing "Edit" at the top of the page and then "undo".
Saving the Image
8) To save your newly cropped photo, go to "File" in the top left corner, then press "save".
9) You can then choose between JPG or PNG. PNG's are generally used for images with clear backgrounds so you will probably want a JPEG
10) Drag the quality slider or press "Medium" or "High" to chose your quality of photo. The larger the photo, the less blurry it will be but it will also be a larger file. You can see underneath the photo preview that it tells you the file size in KB. We have an upload limit of 350KB on our V6 websites for images so it is best to keep the size under this if possible. If the image is too large, you can send it to us to add on for you.
11) You can at the last minute change the size of the photo (but not the proportions) by typing a height or width into the boxes above the download button. Though you probably won't need to.
12) Press "Save As" to be taken to the files on your computer and change the file name of the photo. Save it somewhere you will be able to find it and press "save".
Our Thoughts
This image editor is extremely versatile and has a lot of editing options. It is like a free photoshop that you can use online and has many more functions that what we covered. Ideal for a user with a bit more photo editing knowledge but also easy enough for someone with little editing knowledge once they know where the tools are that they need.
Perfect for any editing of photos you may need to do for your website.